Thursday, November 24, 2016

Victims or Perpetrators: Episode 1.

Every single day there are trillions of traditions made, wrapped and delivered to control the youth of Azerbaijan. Not that I don't like them, it is just they are annoyingly too many and sometimes too stupid to make a logical conclusion. While respecting elderly, giving your a seat to a pregnant, feeding poor are good traditions/common ethics that I like and follow, there are also many others that my western brainwashed mindset refrains from understanding. This post is not about these traditions, its about those who creates them. 
Azerbaijani women are naturally beautiful, awesomely hardworking, unconditionally loving, amazing mothers, daughters and sisters. Really, they can make anything out of anything. Or something out of nothing. Among many things, they also make couple of things that no women can beat them: traditions, gossip and good food.

Today's episode is about traditions. Who makes these traditions and why do they even exist in this 21st century? Reasons are many, so, I will touch only some of them in the article. In the meantime lets talk about the types of women who are somehow engaged in the operations of tradition making: There are the ones who compose traditions (there are the dangerous kind), the ones who blindly follow these traditions, and there are the ones who preach them. I am sure we all have women in our mind from neighbors, colleagues, relatives that you immediately matched the picture off :) well, me too! These types of women are not doing it because they think this will save the planet. Each kind of tradition operator have a unique reason:


This is a sign that there is a huge unemployment in the country. People have nothing else to do with their time and life in general. Busy person is always too tired to make up a tradition.  So my dears, it a terrible economic occurrence in Azerbaijan. Picture it, aunt Sheker sits outside half of the day eating sunflower seeds and observing neighbors, then goes home to feed her husband and sons and then watches a little bit of soap opera and then some minor house stuff. While she is doing all this stuff, her complicated brain structure analyzes the situation and starts composing traditions. Some of you will argue that men are not better than women. Why am I not mentioning them as well?! Well, first men can't beat women on this. They simply are not competent enough and second, even if they do, that means they are unemployed too. 


There is another group of women that disastrously unique by nature. They are excellent followers of traditions because they do not know other way of living. They follow the same pattern as other women of the family like mother, aunts, grandmother and etc. Imagine that Tukazban has been beaten to death yesterday by her asshole husband. So, Tukezban has couple of options here to handle the situation:

1. Stability: Tukezban loves her husband, the father of her kids and she keeps her head high. As they say "if he beats, he loves". So, she continues walking in bruises and bumps without complaining. She chooses stability over escalation by following the traditions.

2. No way back: When woman leaves her fathers house for a marriage that means she can't come back to her fathers home. I am serious. This is the tradition. Woman has to die at her husbands house and never return permanently even if she has problems. Tukezban's husband is also a drug user. He rapes her, beats her, takes all her money, makes kids suffer and etc. She will at first complain to her mother who (traditional as well) will tell her, if your father hears, he will cut us in pieces. So go back to your family and stay there. Tukezban knows that according to traditions, she can't go back to fathers house anymore and she chooses to follow and stay as there is no way back.

3. To go to police: Finally neighbors advice Tukezban to call a police once. You know what happens when woman complains to police on a domestic violence?  1. He makes you to write a complaint letter and then does nothing about it; 2. He arrests your husband and after he gets out of detention, beats the shit of you again; 3. He tells you (the most common one), "we can't interfere with your family life". Go deal with it yourself. 4, Because of reason 2, you decide to take your complaint back. Now, think about it yourself. Woman has been degraded, dehumanized, insulted but police does not do anything because beating wife is a tradition and that it is normal. It is not only fault of gaps in legislation itself or the implementation of it, but also women themselves. They don't have confidence to stand up for themselves.


Preachers are always the member of elderly generation. You can't compose when you are young. You need certain experience to be able to do so. That comes only by age. After retirement it is the most commonly practiced extra curricular activity. Chichak is an old woman. Her daily activities are based on waking up, complaining about bad health, walking around and picking on daughter-in laws, taking care of grandchildren, hiding sweets from the rest of the family and finally seating outside to talk to her girl friends about what happened yesterday at home. Then she as a role model starts giving examples of her lifelong experience and calls others to do the same as it works only the certain way. As they say in Azerbaijan, "boyuyun sozune baxmayan boyure-boyure galar" ( Those who do not listen to their elders will keep bawling). Fear of bawling keeps these women to follow the advice of an experienced preachers.

Now dears, of course these examples are very limited and I can extend them to kilometers, but for now I think these are good enough to give you a big picture of how these traditions are made, wrapped and sold. It is all "Made in Women".

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