Saturday, November 26, 2016

Azeri God and his BBB!

When I was a child, I caught my mom couple times trying to bribe the God. I overheard her saying "dear god, if you do this this this, I will do something good for that that that". And then, that something happened and she did whatever she promised to God. WOW! What a power!- I said and did it couple times as well. It worked again! Eventually I got addicted to bribing God to do things for me for less and less money. I thought God is generous and he does not really care if I give him big money or small money. When I had big money I was spending it for buying sweets and when I had coins, I was promising it to God until we became very poor and I did not have anything to bribe the God with. 

Eventually we became broke (obviously not from bribing God) and I thought that God is angry on us because he understood that I have been cheating with coins. As I grew older, I learned that there are other ways of asking things from God as well. I asked a neighbor to teach me how to do it and I prayed five times a day for about three years. I even advised my mom to learn how to do advance herself in talks with the God. But no matter how much I begged him to send us money it did not work. I even promised him to donate half of it to orphanages, he still did not hear me and finally in tears I quit. My relations with God has been rough since then. I am not sad actually. You see our relations with God was so materialized, it would not go too far anyway. He was not doing things for me unless I promise him something and that became too commercialized. Unhealthy as such, it would not go too far anyway. 

Then I heard a black joke from a friend. So, here it goes. A very old man is trying to cross the street. When he sees cars driving like crazy, he approaches the Donation Box of the Mosque and drops a coin by making a wish to cross the street safely. While he crosses a car hits him. All his world shattered he falls to the ground and moans from pain. In the meantime a small boy drops a coin in the box and crosses the street. A man starts screaming: "Don't! Don't drop any money in there. That one does not work". And he laughed like crazy. I froze for a while. Apparently, it has been part of the Muslim culture in my country that I did not know that was systematized. 

You see, maybe you are laughing now (I do too), but can you imagine great politicians, businessmen, teachers and doctors of Azerbaijan on the way home dropping a coin or two in the Black Bribing Box of God? 

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